SEO Blog Postings tricks on, Disguise Tag
Back to Blogspot SEO Tricks problem, how to do SEO optimization of your blog posts? This time Kartolo will discuss the SEO tricks in the blog post / web by using tags BOLD, italics, underline, scribble, and color differences. Fifth tag it is common for SEO experts, SEO or even beginners. How to install easy. We live add tag on some keywords that we seek. The goal is to do effective keyword to our blog postings. But what would happen if all the words are keywords? and we give the tag above. Are visitors will be pleased to read the full article tagged with bold, italic, underline that mixed together? Of course, visitors will be dizzy and choose to leave our blog.
Therefore, this time Kartolo will post about the SEO tricks blogspot about how to disguise these tags in order to remain effective and visitors do not bother reading your article. Here it is his trick:
We know that writing on the blog to be distinguished by writing in the real world if you want well in the SERP. We have to balance the two types of visitors, the first human visitors and the second is the search engine robots. The trouble these two types of visitors on a character different tastes in reading postings. But both are related, because search engine robots useful to attract human visitors in the end. To get around this problem we need to implement these SEO tricks. Now the way is to continue to use marker tags keywords, but it looks forced another with a style sheet. Or in other words to disguise the tag into normal text. In this way, robots (often called crawlers or spiders) search engines still recognize keywords that are seeded but humans do not interfere with too many attributes (at least the man does not see the effects of earlier tag).
However, you first need to learn CSS if you want to do this SEO tactics. Just for example I will make some use of tags that have been forced to normal with CSS. so just plug in the keyword live blog postings friend - a friend.
The first:
For example, Standard for Bold Tag is:
- SEO tricks blog posts
script: SEO tricks blog post
we can change to;
- SEO tricks blog posts
script: SEO tricks blog post
How, understand right? so keywords that had thick to be like regular fonts, but still contain elements of thick and fixed easily in the crawl.
Later, Tag Standards for Lean are:
- SEO tricks blog posts
script: SEO tricks blog post
we change to:
- Tricks SEO blog posts
script: Tricks SEO blog posts
Just like last bold, italics tag also looks like a normal font are you? Well, that was an example disguise the tag on the post to keep it SEO friendly.
For other tags such as underline, or graffiti, can find its own html tutorials in, and his residence add the css font-style earlier. Easy right? This trick is commonly used on the post Kartolo Kartolo.
A few articles about, Tricks SEO in Blog Posts, Disguise Tag. If there are confused please comment. seo tricks blogspot Also, read another.
in writing this article, Kartolo assisted by ateonsoft.